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September Keywords


As a little funny bit to close the August, we decided to have a look at what people were searching for when coming to our site from different websites, and here we are - the most interesting keywords (or questions as we would say in normal world.

'Are there any Americans in Novosibirsk?' - definitely, find them around in bars of the city centre.
'What is it like living in novosibirsk as a foreigner?' - lots of fun I would say!
'buying a flat in Novosibirsk?' - oh, possible, but why on Earth - examples of people coming here to LIVE are so small in numbers.


If you have any comments, suggestions, ideas, please email us. Your feedback is very important.

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Top news
Yes! McDonald's finally opened in Novoibirsk, or to be specific in the food court of the Aura shopping mall. Ok, that's crappy food all right, but we truly welcome them mostly because of the 'famed' influence of McD on the investment attraction to the region - this is sorta common factor - if McD is fine to do business here, then it should be fine for most of Western Business.
Just in case you use Facebook - there is a great page there - Natasha from Russia. You will love it in the instant!
One of the Nsk curses is that it is fairly away from Gorny Altay which is perfect tourist's place. A lot of nature, forests, mountains and mountain rivers. Getting there by car is 7-8 hours driving. Now it is also available by air. The small aircrafts with capacity of 19 passengers are flying to Gorno-altaysk, the capital of Gorny Altay, twice a week, making the trip like 1 hour endeavour.
There's been a lot of coverage in the media about one Russian actor and activist, Mr. Okhlobystin, who recently made very harsh remarks toward gays, one was that he would prefer them to be burnt in stoves, and the second is that he would like to consider being gay as criminal offense and he even was stupid enough to write an open letter to our president as well. These actions of him drew unnecessary attention from the media and some anti-Russian media were quick to jump to conclusion that Russia is totally antigay or anti-LGBT for that matter. Looks like we need to step up and explain all this a bit. Read more


You came to Novosibirsk and realised that not so many people speak English here, and even those pretending that they do are not that good.
Or you might suddenly realise that your translator you hired is just some school-teacher of stone age and very literature-like vocabulary who can't even translate word 'bollocks' which is flying at the meetings all too often.
This is where our Translation service comes handy. We charge you with 3 cents per word of written translation, which makes normal A4, with Times font and 12 font size costing about 12-15 dollars to translate, depends on density of text and empty spaces. We can also help you with interpreting (sequential, not simultaneous) and this would be 25 dollars per hour.
Email us - info@e-novosibirsk.com for info, inquiries and arrangements.